The Multifunctional Information and Computing Complex (MICC) project is being implemented within the framework of the theme «06-6-1118-2014/2030» of the seven-year JINR development plan.

The main objective of the MICC is to meet the needs of the JINR scientific community to the maximum extent possible in order to solve urgent tasks, from theoretical research and experimental data processing, storage and analysis to the solution of applied tasks in the field of life sciences. The tasks of the NICA project, the neutrino programme, the tasks of processing data from the experiments at the LHC and other large-scale experiments, as well as support for users of the JINR Laboratories and its Member States will be the priorities.

The project presupposes the inclusion of two activities, which, like the project, are aimed at meeting the requirements of a large number of research and administrative personnel:

  1. development of the digital platform “JINR Digital EcoSystem”, which integrates existing and future services to support scientific, administrative and social activities, as well as to maintain the engineering and IT infrastructures of the Institute, which in turn will provide reliable and secure access to different types of data and enable a comprehensive analysis of information using modern technologies of Big Data and artificial intelligence.
  2. creation of a multi-purpose hardware and software platform for Big Data analytics based on hybrid hardware accelerators; machine learning algorithms; tools for analytics, reports and visualization; support of user interfaces and tasks.

Multifunctional Information and Computing Complex (MICC)

The digital ecosystem (Digital JINR)

The multi-purpose hardware and software platform for Big Data analytics